Name: Ginny Weasley Born: Circa 1982 Family: Six older
brothers (oldest-youngest: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron), father Arthur, mother Molly. (Also an Uncle Bilius, who
apparently saw a Grim and died within twenty-four hours, and a cousin who is never mentioned, due to the fact that he is an
accountant.) Blood: Pure. OotP has let us know that most pureblooded families are related by blood or marriage, so Ginny
is also distantly related to Sirius Black's family as well as other pureblooded families. Hair: A "long mane" of flaming
Weasley red Eyes: Brown, "bright," "bemused" Other Features: Small, apparently wears second-hand robes, reminds Harry
of Dobby Super Powers: Performs a mean Bat-Bogey Hex, able to unblushingly lie to authority figures, able to snatch the
Snitch out from under other Seekers' noses, can do stellar Professor Umbridge impression, does "very well" in Defence and
"pretty well" at Seeking Secrets Revealed: Got over Harry Potter at the end of her third year, has been illicitly sneaking
onto her brother's broomsticks since age six, dated Michael Corner for months without telling Ron Bad Habits: Putting her
elbow in the butter dish, walking in on Percy making out with Penelope, "never shuts up normally," writing in evil enchanted
diaries Thinks: Pigwidgeon is a sweet name for Ron's owl, Bill Knows All Lives: In The Burrow, just outside Ottery St.
Catchpole Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Quidditch Position: Seeker (however, interested in being a Chaser and goal-scoring) Entered
Hogwarts In: 1992
More of Ginny's sexiness: |

